

・Nature 440, 702-706(30 March 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature04585;Received 31 October 2005; ;Accepted 18 January 2006
・細胞:INK4/ARF遺伝子座の抑制を介したCdc6の発がん作用.(Title in English; Oncogenic activity of Cdc6 through repression of the INK4/ARF locus).
・Susana Gonzalez1, Peter Klatt1, Sonia Delgado4, Esther Conde2, Fernando Lopez-Rios5, Montserrat Sanchez-Cespedes2, Juan Mendez3, Francisco Antequera4and Manuel Serrano1



・Nature 440, 702-706 (30 March 2006) | doi:10.1038/nature04585; Received 31 October 2005; ; Accepted 18 January 2006
・Oncogenic activity of Cdc6 through repression of the INK4/ARF locus
・Susana Gonzalez1, Peter Klatt1, Sonia Delgado4, Esther Conde2, Fernando Lopez-Rios5, Montserrat Sanchez-Cespedes2, Juan Mendez3, Francisco Antequera4 and Manuel Serrano1

The INK4/ARF locus encodes three tumour suppressors (p15INK4b, ARF and p16INK4a) and is among the most frequently inactivated loci in human cancer1, 2. However, little is known about the mechanisms that govern the expression of this locus. Here we have identified a putative DNA replication origin at the INK4/ARF locus that assembles a multiprotein complex containing Cdc6, Orc2 and MCMs, and that coincides with a conserved noncoding DNA element (regulatory domain RDINK4/ARF). Targeted and localized RNA-interference-induced heterochromatinization of RDINK4/ARF results in transcriptional repression of the locus, revealing that RDINK4/ARF is a relevant transcriptional regulatory element. Cdc6 is overexpressed in human cancers, where it might have roles in addition to DNA replication3, 4, 5. We have found that high levels of Cdc6 result in RDINK4/ARF-dependent transcriptional repression, recruitment of histone deacetylases and heterochromatinization of the INK4/ARF locus, and a concomitant decrease in the expression of the three tumour suppressors encoded by this locus. This mechanism is reminiscent of the silencing of the mating-type HM loci in yeast by


